Plans for the national rollout of PLC cropped up by GES

All Senior High Schools (SHSs) and Senior High Technical Schools (SHTSs) in Ghana will soon begin offering Professional Learning Communities (PLC) sessions, according to plans developed by the Ghana Education Service (GES).
The initiatives, according to the Service (GES), are intended to improve teachers’ comprehension and adherence to the National Teachers’ Standards (NTS) and to get them ready for the implementation of the new secondary school curriculum, which will take place in the 2024–2025 academic year.
In January 2022, GES conducted a PLC weekly session pilot project in 12 SHS and SHTS using structured handbooks created in collaboration with the National Teaching Council (NTC). The improvement of teaching and learning at these 12 schools as a result of these weekly sessions was found to have improved by a significant amount according to a recent review, providing strong support for the national scaling up of this approach.
GES provided a five-day training session for a 100-member National Training Team made up of members from GES, T-TEL, Senior High Schools, and Colleges of Education to ensure the smooth institutionalization of the PLC sessions throughout all schools.
“The training which took place in Koforidua from Monday, May 8, to Friday, May 12, 2023, focused on equipping the National Training Team with the necessary skills and resources to support teachers and officers across various regional and district education directorates to effectively implement PLCs in SHSs and SHTSs,” the Service (GES) disclosed.
The courses showed teachers how to be supported and given interactive and innovative tools to make teaching and learning more engaging for pupils, according to their update. The program emphasized the value of socio-emotional learning in the classroom while placing a significant emphasis on utilizing technology and fostering Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI).
The National Teachers’ Standards (NTS), which outline the values and attitudes, skills, and practices expected of all professional teachers in Ghana, were the inspiration for all training methods, according to GES.
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