Past Questions

Promotion Aptitude Test Books and Questions and Answers for Teachers

Every year, professional teachers in Ghana go for promotion to be promoted to the various ranks in the Education frat; that is, the ranks of Principal Superintendent (PS), Assistant Director (ADI and II), and Deputy Director (DD).

But one has to go through an aptitude test to get promoted. The questions they are usually asked are questions about general facts and history of our educational system, latest and trending issues in education as well as current affairs.

On this page, we have assembled a number of trial questions for educational purposes. Click to download and use the questions for your daily studies as you prepare for the test.


Promotion book

Promotion guide

GES promotion guide

GES promotion handbook

Simplified note 1

Simplified note 2

Simplified note 3

Promotion past questions

Promotion past questions (new)

ALSO READ: How to edit your details on the GES promotion portal

AD II February 2023 Questions and Answers

AD II December 2021 Questions and Answers

AD 11 February 2020

Likely to come Questions with Answers for all ranks

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