SHS Science Students to be Exempted from Integrated Science and Core Maths

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Minister of Education, has declared that public Senior High School (SHS) students will receive a laptop. Additionally, he stated that science students would be permitted to study French or any other subject that would improve their ability to compete internationally in place of integrated science and core mathematics.
On Thursday, August 24, 2023, at Kumasi Anglican Senior High School, the Minister made the declaration. All of the significant educational stakeholders from the Ashanti Region were there, including him.
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According to Dr. Adutwum, the laptops are a method to give SHS students the technological resources they need to be successful in school.
He claimed that by exempting integrated science and core mathematics, science students will be able to concentrate on more specialised disciplines that will better prepare them for the workplace of the twenty-first century.
Different parties had different reactions to the announcement. Some applauded the decision, claiming it will assist Ghana’s educational system become of higher calibre. Others voiced worries about the price of the laptops and how it will affect the academic programme.
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