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Five venomous snakes in Africa

With their venomous nature, snakes are among the most feared reptiles in the world. Depending on the type of snake, these hazardous vipers have poison that can kill a person in less than 24 hours.

Many poisonous reptiles, like the puff adder, Egyptian cobra, and black mamba, are found in Africa. The most hazardous snakes in Africa have been listed below;

Carpet Viper

Five venomousest snakes in Africa
Carpet Viper

The majority of snake bite fatalities in Africa have been attributed to carpet vipers because they are among the most venomous snakes. The viper may reach a height of three feet and has a life expectancy of 24 years. Because carpet vipers are nocturnal, they attack their prey at night, which has resulted in many fatalities because many victims do not seek medical attention at that precise moment.

Black Mamba

Five venomousest snakes in Africa
Black Mamba

The black mamba is one of the most feared and poisonous snakes in Africa. The reptile was given the nickname “kiss of death” because of its toxicity, which may end a human’s life in less than 45 minutes. The black mamba is feared for its swiftness when assaulting a victim and is known to be quite violent.

The black mamba’s ability to reach a maximum length of 15 feet, which gives it the ability to stand upright and attack its prey from a distance, is another problem.

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Gabon Viper

Five venomousest snakes in Africa
Gabon Viper

Biti gabonica, often known as the Gabon Viper, is a less aggressive but highly deadly snake. Since these snakes are more likely to live in areas of forests and wastelands far from people, fewer snake deaths have been reported. But if a person does not seek medical attention, many species are poisonous and can kill them.

According to legend, Gabon vipers don’t move around much, and the majority of human bites are unintentional.

Boomslang Viper

Five venomousest snakes in Africa
Boomslang Viper

The boomslang vipers are among Africa’s most poisonous snakes despite their small. The reptile lives on trees and can grow up to 6 feet long. They are mostly found in green, forested areas, which complements the colour of their skin. Although being less aggressive, the reptile has a very strong hemotoxin that results in the victim’s internal and external bleeding and a torturous death.

Egyptian Cobra

Five venomousest snakes in Africa
Egyptian Cobra

There are many cobra species in Africa, all of which are poisonous and well feared. One of the most dangerous snakes in Africa is the naja Nivea, sometimes known as the Egyptian cobra. After injecting its venom, it can kill a human within 1 to 10 hours. The neurological system, heart, and respiratory systems can all be harmed by the mixture of neurotoxins and cardiotoxins found in the venom.

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