Basic school heads appeal for car waiver

In order to help its members buy cars for everyday use, the Conference of Heads of Basic Schools (COHBS) has petitioned the government for a car waiver.
According to the statement, the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools had pick-up cars for everyday operations whereas the COHBS did not. As a result, the COHBS requested that the government implement a waiver so that its members may purchase cars.
Mr Rashid Alaru Fusheini, the National Financial Secretary of COHBS, made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Bolgatanga on the sidelines of a Regional Council meeting of executives across the 15 municipalities and districts of the region. The meeting offered the heads the opportunity to discuss their welfare and other critical issues of concern.
“As heads of basic schools, some of us do not have means of transport as compared to the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) where they have pick-up vehicles for the heads. We do not have,” he said.
“So, we appeal to the Government to at least import portable cars for basic school Heads, and remove the tax on them, so that basic school heads can afford them.”
He said the struggle for means of transport by some members impacted negatively on their official duties and affected contact hours with pupils as some of the Heads doubled as classroom teachers.
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Apart from the car waiver, the leadership of COHBS appealed to their employer to ensure their responsibility allowance was paid based on a percentage basis.
Mr Fusheini continued: “At least 20 per cent of our base pay as responsibility allowance is what we put before our employer and we hope that it will be considered.”
“As we speak, the new curriculum is in its third year, and most of the schools do not have all the textbooks at the moment,” he remarked, referring to the logistics of supplying basic schools. Therefore, we urgently request that management provide the books to us before the end of this academic year.”
He applauded the COHBS leadership in the Upper East Region for taking the initiative and asked them to keep cooperating to push for improved member service conditions.
The Conference’s Regional Chairman, Mr. Hamid Abdul-Wahab Adam, stated that in addition to the textbooks, which they desperately needed, certain additional Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) were required to help basic schools run smoothly. “These resources are scarce, and it really impacts us. The TLMs are essential to our ability to function, and compensation is crucial. Without these, it is difficult for us to carry out our duties as teachers,” he stated.
In order to facilitate conference activities, the chairman took advantage of the occasion to urge members to have their dues mechanized at the Controller and Accountant General’s Department.
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