Teachers should present a good example by dressing well – Director

Teachers have been instructed to take a second look at how they look in the context of being role models for students and pupils, and to make sure that their clothing choices, although not being tightly regulated, yet adhere to moral and decency norms.
The Ho Municipal Education Director, Dr. Esther Yeboah-Adzimah, claimed that tutors’ outward appearances influenced the way that young students dressed and that they needed to look professional in order to enforce the necessary discipline.
When she joined teachers in Ho for a health walk to commemorate World Teachers Day, she delivered the advice.
“Teachers don’t have a dress code, but they need to dress decently. No short dresses or tight jeans. The men too, no tight jeans or pack trousers,” she said.
“Teachers need to eschew that and other bad habits to be able to enforce the needed discipline.”
She discussed female teachers’ hairstyles and mentioned that male instructors’ beards should be kept nice and trim.
“You should always be decent and neat because the children are learning from you.”
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Dr. Yeboah-Adzimah pleaded with educators to show children kindness and to use the proper procedures for appeal in order to protect everyone’s right to privacy.
“Let’s work diligently and try to take the necessary action. Let’s show the children entrusted to our care the respect they deserve and treat them with affection.
She urged parents and guardians to help their wards attend school on time by supporting them.
The Education Directorate, in collaboration with the teacher unions, organised the health walk in the municipality, with more than 250 basic and high school teachers participating.
The Education Directorate’s proposal was praised by the heads of the various associations, who also backed the need to keep up the commitment to providing high-quality education.
According to Dr. Yeboah-Adzimah, academic resources, such as textbooks, were available before the start of classes, and the school food programme was still supporting enrollment in underserved areas.
She had previously participated in a ceremony marking the start of the new academic year with Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, the Volta Regional Minister, at the Ziavi Basic School.
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