Lady twërkïñg during praises session in Pentecost Church causes severe concerns [video]

A young lady who enthusiastically expressed herself during a church service, that is, the praise and worship session, is shown in a video going viral on social media.
To the amazement of the pastors and churchgoers present, this woman decided to display her twërkïñg abilities in the video.
Despite the presence of the pastor and other church members, she seemed unaffected and her vivacious dancing seemed to disregard the customary formality connected with church sessions.
Despite the astonishment of those present, no one attempted to intervene or remove her from the dancefloor.
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The video has ignited debates and prompted inquiries into why such behaviour was permitted in a church environment.
Particularly when taking into account the frequently rigid norms and regulations governing behaviour during religious sessions, particularly in denominations like the Church of Pentecost.
Concerns and perplexity concerning the situation have been expressed by online users.
The event has sparked a discussion about appropriate behaviour in religious settings and the responsibility of church leaders to uphold decorum during worship services.
Watch the video below;
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