Man found convulsing in his room with 7 nine inches nails in his skull

A man was found convulsing in his room this morning in a state somewhere in Southern Nigeria, he was rushed to the hospital and it was discovered that 7 nine inches nails were in his skull.
Witnesses who were at the scene thought maybe he committed a crime or robbery that’s why he was treated like that, because that is how most criminals are treated in the southern part of the country. But it is still unclear how the nails got into his skull and the perpetrator or perpetrators behind such execrable exploit.

The shocking incident has made a lot of netizens on the microblogging platform, X, to react to it.
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Check some of the reactions below;

@MichBukky asked: “9 inches nail 🙄”
@oyibo_ugbo quizzed: “Which state and how exactly did that happen? This is shocking though”
@trøublemakerøø7 reacted: “There’s something about Africa , That we can’t explain”
@Mosadoluwa_God asked shockingly:“How possible is this? It’s mysterious. He can’t nail himself for sure. A force either physical or spiritual must be responsible for this.”

@Princessblecyn added: “This is the third time I’m seeing a story of someone driving nails into their skull. No reasonable reason why they do it but most times they do it with an aim to relieve migraines. Sad”
@NwazueKelechi recounted: “In some part of southern Nigeria,this is a punishment for stealing,mainly armed robbery. Likewise another punishment for stealing is mixing cement and giving you to drink. Your theft has to be very grievous for this kind of punishment”
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