Labour Commission orders PSWU to halt its strike

The Public Services Workers Union (PSWU) has been directed by the National Labour Commission (NLC) to immediately call off its strike.
This mandate was given during the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) and PSWU’s appearance before the NLC on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
The FWSC headed the government team that the Commission had called in, which included the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Employment, Labour Relations, and Pensions (MELRP).
Following a notice from the PSWU on October 14, 2024, threatening to go on strike on October 21, 2024, over requests for two institution-specific allowances for its members, the summons was issued.
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The NLC instructed both parties to restart negotiations on the allowances by October 31, 2024, and report the results to the commission by November 6, 2024, in addition to directing the PSWU to end its strike.
In order to end the conflict, the Commission advised both parties to engage in sincere negotiations.
The PSWU said on October 15, 2024, that it will go on an indefinite strike beginning on October 21, 2024, citing the government’s (represented by the FWSC) tardiness in concluding talks on two institution-specific allowances that its members are entitled to.
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