Top young scientist develops soap that treats skin cancer

Heman Bekele, a 14-year-old student in the ninth grade at W.T. Woodson High School in Annandale, Virginia, has been named the 2023 winner of the 3M Young Scientists Challenge as America’s Top Young Scientist.
The young man won a well-deserved $25,000 grand prize for his ground-breaking creation, an inexpensive bar of soap that efficiently heals skin cancer.
He cleverly developed medicinal soap that had three substances known to reawaken dendritic cells, which are essential for mounting an immune response to cancer. This was his solution to the problem.

The cost of Bekele’s soap is one of its most outstanding features.
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Each bar of this cancer-fighting soap is produced for just $0.50 (about ghc5.5), which stands in stark contrast to the expensive costs connected with modern medical treatments, which can reach over $40,000 per patient.

“Skin cancer is mostly found in people living in developing countries I was devastated by the idea of people choosing between treatment and putting food on the table for their families. There are so many preventable deaths.”, Bekele told Fairfax County Public Schools.
Dendritic cells, which are essential for strengthening the immune response and defending the skin against cancer, were the subject of the young scientist’s initial in-depth research.
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