FDA discovers expired food at Zuarungu SHS

Some outdated food items were seized by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) from the Upper East region’s Zuarungu Senior High School’s storerooms.
When an FDA team unexpectedly showed up on the school’s campus in the Bolgatanga East District, the expired food items were confiscated and transported away.
Additionally, the FDA asked school administrators to make following food safety regulations a top priority while they are in an educational setting. The FDA issued a warning, threatening penalties for noncompliance.
Sebastian Mawuli Hotor, the FDA’s Upper East Regional Director, urged school officials to make sure that the food supply in their buildings adhere to FDA safety regulations in a Friday interview with Citi News.
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“We went to Zuarungu SHS as one of the school kitchen inspections that we do. In one of their storerooms, we found about five different brands of products which were bad and then I think one out of them was unregistered as well. We got some from neighbouring schools as well as from Buffer stock.
“From the document we requested for, we were given and then the products were the Free SHS mackerel, the royal gold hard wheat flour, pavani evaporated filled milk, paka tomato paste and queen [pilchards] in tomato sauce.”
“These were the products that we found that were expired. These were products that were supplied to the school for feeding the children. As part of our mandate, we confiscated them and taken them for safe disposal and it is something we will repeat from time to time just to ensure that food safety guidelines are adhered to in all food establishments including food kitchens,” he stated.
Citi News has not received a comment from the school administration despite repeated attempts to do so.
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