
Steps To Follow After Validation But Your Salary Doesn’t Reflect In Your Account

We have made available the steps to follow after validation but your salary doesn’t reflect in your account.

GOGSPV is the abbreviation for Government of Ghana Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (E-SPV). It is solely designed for all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) SPV Return Officers. The official salary payment voucher (Gogspv) given to returning officers who hold ministerial posts by the Ghanaian government.

Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) introduced and oversees this innovative E-SPV Return System. The GoGSPV, which was established on November 20, 2013, is a supplement to the GOGPayslip, which is used by public employees to acquire information about their salaries.

The E-SPV replaced the manual voucher system used by payment officers in much the same way that the E-Payslip did for public employees. The manual system of maintaining, validating, and authorizing government of Ghana salary payment vouchers that was time-consuming and logistically difficult was replaced by the E-SPV by CAGD. A better method was required since the manual approach was unable to successfully validate people on government payroll before payment as intended.

ALSO READ: No January Salary; CAGD workers on strike over unpaid allowances

Benefits of the E-SPV

  1. Elimination of ghost names
  2. Improved service delivery
  3. Ensures more secured service delivery
  4. Reduction of payroll management cost
  5. Easier accessibility and reference

After the introduction of the E-SPV, employees still complain about not getting their salaries even after they have been validated.

Why does that happen?

This may happen due to these three (3) factors listed below:

  1. Error in the account details
  2. Having a problem with SSNIT information. That is, SSNIT number, name on SSNIT, and Date of birth.
  3. IPPD form filling mismatch with biometric information.

What then do you do?

  1. Contact your IPPD coordinator at the district office
  2. Follow up at Controller

NOTE: The E-SPV portal only shows salary of the current month and won’t work on the arrears of the previous month. You are required to inform your IPPD coordinator or the personnel at controller so that they can work on your arrears.

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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