Life Style

“MY BOYFRIEND IS PREVENTING ME FROM USING SOCIAL MEDIA”- Exasperated girlfriend seeks advise from the Internet

I have been dating my boyfriend for nine years now. I am 26, and he is my first boyfriend. He has broken up with me for three consecutive times and I have moved on during all those times, but he will later come and beg for forgiveness and I will forgive him because I want the relationship to continue. Now this guy is saying before we can get married, I will have to delete my Facebook account because he doesn’t like the way guys comment on pictures any time I upload them. I did what he said just to bring peace between us and also save the relationship. He went on to tell me to delete my Instagram, TikTok too, but I’m only allowed to use WhatsApp (with no profile picture). I shouldn’t put on make-ups, no friends or whatsoever. I am a business minded person; how will people patronize me? I had a nice shoot last week and he said the guys who were at the studio were looking at me in a debauched manner. I had no other thing to do than to apologize because he attached it to the make-up I did. I have to stay close to him at the gym to avoid unnecessary greetings from people too.

I have a lot of followers on twitter and he said I must stop tweeting quotes. Each time we have a misunderstanding, he will start threatening me that dump me and look for a different person. Just last week, he saw a video of me dancing to a song which was just a normal video I did. Since then, he has stopped picking my calls and sent me a message via SMS that number has taken over. He even had the guts to send me a picture they took together and the voice note of the girl saying she will be coming to visit him. He later sent me a message that I should talk to him when I delete all my social media accounts. Please, what do I do? I love the guy so much and I don’t want to lose him. I have tried all my best to keep his rules and not cheat on him.


Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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