GNAT, NAGRAT, and CCT-GH tackle issues that are negatively impacting teachers

The leadership of the Teacher Unions, the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), and the Coalition of Concern Teachers (CCT-GH) has written to express their disappointment and displeasure with certain developments that are negatively affecting teachers and may disturb the industrial peace and harmony within the pre-tertiary education landscape.
Together, Eric Agbe-Carbonu, President of NAGRAT, King Ali Awudu, President of CCT-GH, and Thomas T. Musah, General Secretary (GNAT), signed this update on February 29, 2024.
The following are a few of the difficulties, among others, according to Teacher Unions.
Delay in the Collective Agreement Negotiations
Despite the agreement made during the adoption of the rules of engagement that the negotiations should be finished by February 29, 2024, at the latest, none have been completed. This is a result of the government’s inaction, justifications, and unwillingness to get things done. We hold a serious opinion and reject the actions of the government.
ALSO READ: Teacher Unions Demand Inclusion of Education Priorities in Party Manifestoes
Salary Blockage by the Office of the Special Prosecutor
A couple of weeks ago, the media was contacted by the three Teacher Union leaders to notify the public that certain teachers had embargoes placed on their pay at their individual banks without the knowledge of their employers or employees; the reasons up to date are not known. The Office of the Special Prosecutor issued the regrettable directive and action. They’ve received information that, in contrast to previous claims, the salaries have been paid, but many teachers still lack the ability to claim the pay for which they have lawfully labored.
They want to make it very clear that the three (3) Teacher Union leaderships will not stand by while this situation continues.
In summary
They would like to stress again that the industrial peace inside the Ghana Education Service may be disrupted if the aforementioned issues are not fully resolved within a two-week period beginning on the date stated on the letter.
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