
GNAT, CTF, and FCE help teachers refine their innovative teaching techniques

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and the Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF)/FCE have organized an in-service program to hone teachers’ abilities in cutting-edge teaching methods as part of a campaign to support high-quality public education.

Three training sessions have already been held this year in conjunction with the 62nd anniversary of the “Nkabom Project,” which GNAT and CTF/FCE jointly created six decades ago.

The six-day program, which included educators from the Greater Accra area, came to an end in Kyebi with the goal of enhancing public education systems by updating educators’ knowledge of cutting-edge teaching techniques.

Over the years, the Nkabom initiative has focused on giving teachers who work in poor and marginalized communities specialized training in teaching techniques and encouraging creativity.

It also aims to raise the bar for the teaching profession by giving these professionals access to crucial teaching and learning resources.

The GNAT-CTF/FCE Nkabom In-Service Training’s course director and the organization’s deputy general secretary in charge of education and professional development, Mr. Kwame Dagbandow, spoke about the value of professional development and how GNAT was dedicated to promoting teachers’ ongoing improvement.

The professional teacher organization GNAT, he said, “believes in the continuing education and professional development of its members since we recognise that their survival in this business demands continual updating of one’s expertise to become valuable.

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This is compatible with the GNAT’s 2022-revised constitution, which states that the largest teacher body is committed to making sure that every kid in Ghana obtains a high-quality education.

Because they created the foundation for education, he claimed, teachers were picked from headteachers and assistants of kindergarten, lower primary, upper primary, and primary schools.

They were taken through several topics, including inclusive education, technology education, classroom management, gender, and culture, as well as GNAT services, the GNAT provident fund scheme, and the teachers’ fund.

The activities of the Nkabom project would take off in three regions every year, and in 2023, similar training workshops have been organised for GNAT members in the Central, Western, and Greater Accra regions on various occasions and locations.

Participant statistics showed that 349 out of 400 expected members represented the Greater Accra region, 197 members represented the Central region, and 178 members represented the Western region.

The participants were given training materials at the end of the session to be used in teaching.

Mr. Dagbandow said that the beneficiaries would work with the heads of their respective schools to establish an enabling atmosphere in which their newly acquired knowledge could eventually be shared with the rest of their colleagues.

Madam Julia Degirolamo, Team Lead for CTF/FCE, encouraged participants to apply innovative ideas and take on the responsibilities of leadership by sharing their newly gained competencies.

She said the workshop gave us all the opportunity to build capacity through collaboration and shared experience, adding that, “Together, in solidarity, we can change and improve public education systems and help empower individuals within our communities.”

CTF/CFC is a federation of teacher associations that works directly with teachers, education workers, and member organisations.

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