GES to organise training for teachers on special education

Referencing NTC letter with number NTC/CPD/272/1/87, dated June 3, 2022, The Office of the Central Gonja District of the Ghana Education Service (GES) has released a statement with reference number-GES/SR/CGD/PL14/V.2/, dated July 25, 2022, signed by the Mrs Veronica Tampour-Kuupol; District Director, “Better Life Awaits Foundation (BLAF)” as a licensed NTC service provider, has been given the mandate to organize Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme in the Central Gonja District in the Savannah Region for teachers.
In congruence with this, the foundation is organizing a day’s training workshop for all teachers on inclusive education for persons with special needs. KG, Primary, JHS, SHS, and Private School teachers are urged to attend the workshop in conjunction with Education Officers. The training packages include Certificate from NTC/BLAF, CPD Point in accordance with NTC CPD Framework, Presentation and handouts, and Lunch and Water.
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The workshop is in two batches. The first batch starts on August 12, 2022 at the Yapei Pentecost Church at 8:30am prompt. The second batch starts on August 13, 2022 at the Buipe Pentecost Church at 8:30am prompt.
Management is urging all Headteachers/Masters to bring to the attention of all teachers and register them to make the training a success.
Each teacher is expected to pay GH₵75 as registration fee before he or she can attend the workshop. Registration fees are to be paid to the District Training Officer through Momo (0243976345-SADIK AKIBU) for onward submission before the training session. Teachers are to note that, the cutoff date for imbursement is August 11, 2022.

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