Life Style

6 Important Reasons Every Woman Should Hit The Gym

In this contemporary world, we have seen more and more women getting into the game of weight lifting. While this is an amazing thing, we still in a time where society sees women lifting as some sort of turpitude. They believe that it will make the women more like men and they won’t look feminine anymore. However, this is where ignorance comes into play. Lifting doesn’t make women look manly but rather makes them more beautiful. And it is not only just physical appearance that changes with lifting, there are many benefits that women may find from lifting.

6. Confidence Booster

If somebody were to ask what is the main benefit of lifting weight for women is then it is the boost in confidence. In fact, it is applicable for both men and women. Lifting weights will somehow give you this good feeling about yourself. You will find yourself walking and striding along the malls, gyms, roads with head held up high and taking in the air and feel majestic about yourself. And when you have the confidence in yourself, you can be happy and do anything you want!

5. Eat more

One of the most complained about things among women is that they can’t eat as much as they want to. Women have this idea that you should have the perfect figure and no fat and hence they struggle with overindulging themselves in finger licking goods. Well, lifting weights can somewhat solve that problem. When you are lifting, you are burning a lot of calories and thus it requires you to refuel yourself and eat more. And when was the last time somebody complained about having to eat more? Go ahead ladies, crash those weights in the gym and stuff yourself with more food!

4. Killer body

This might be the point all the women were looking for (and possibly all the men too). When you are lifting weights, it greatly shapes your body. Many people think that women will become too muscular and look bad where else lifting weights will make your body more toned and it will make all the right curves pop up even more. So, in other words, your hips and legs will look curvier and more toned and you will totally look stunning in all your dresses.

3. Burn Calories

Probably my favorite reason to lift weights is the after burn effect. See, when you are doing cardio, you will be burning calories for as long as you are active. The minute you stop, your calories stop burning too. But when you are lifting weights, you are rebuilding your muscles and that carries on for the rest of the day. Your body will continue to burn calories as it rebuilds your muscles and that is the best way to burn off those excess calories. So, all the ladies who are tired of running to look slimmer, start hitting the gyms and pick up the weights.

2. Strengthen the bones

A medical benefit of lifting is that it helps to make your bones stronger. Based on various studies, women are more prone to suffer from weak bones in the future than men are. So why not lift the weights and make them stronger now so that you live a healthy life in the future? You do, however, need to lift weights with consistency and intensity. 3 days a week at the gym will suffice.

1. Empower yourself

Lifting weights will make you feel stronger. You will no longer be reliant on somebody to carry your stuff. You can carry all your groceries on your own, rearrange your furniture and so on. The possibilities are limitless!



Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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