
3 best methods to stop right clicking in WordPress

Content theft is now the new trend. Many people do not know how to stop right clicking in wordpress. Would you like to strengthen the security of your content? This is crucial if your website has a lot of original content, especially if it has a photography website’s abundance of original photographs. Unfortunately, it’s often simple for users to copy, save, and hotlink your images—intentionally or not.

It’s a good thing that you can block right click in WordPress to stop others from using your photographs without your permission. This is a quick and simple technique to guard your website from content theft, though it’s crucial to be aware of the implications of doing so.

We’ll look more closely at the reasons why you might think about turning off right click in WordPress in this post. Then, we’ll look at three methods for doing this and talk about some additional effective safeguards for your content. Let’s get going!

You might want to disable right click in WordPress if your website contains a significant amount of original content, such as photographs. This can stop content theft since online properties can be stolen with just one click.

Moreover, preventing right click can stop people from hotlinking images. This happens when users take your photographs and utilise your server resources to show them on another website. Hotlinking therefore infringes your copyright and causes an undue burden on your server.

But turning off right click in WordPress isn’t something you should do carelessly. For example, it can interfere with your User Experience (UX). This is especially important for websites that offer copying and saving options for material like DIY instructions or recipes.

Disabling right click isn’t a foolproof security precaution, however. Visitors can actually get around blockages by looking at the source code of your website or by employing a straightforward JavaScript hack to turn right click back on. It’s simple to copy and paste your content or capture screenshots of your photographs, even for beginners.

Use the WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click Plugin as the first option

You can stop using the right click feature in WordPress and stop using commands like CTRL+C by using the WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click plugin. The plugin prevents viewers from viewing your page’s source code in Chrome because it also disables CTRL+U. (which is another way to steal content).

To safeguard more than just your photographs, you can also make text selection impossible. You can access even more features if you upgrade to the tool’s premium edition. You can utilise jQuery overlay protection and watermarking, for instance.

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You must install and activate the plugin in WordPress before you can proceed: Go to Settings > WP Content Copy Protection after it’s operational on your website. Copy Protection ought should show up in your admin section. You may enable protection for your homepage, posts, and more under Main Settings. Save your settings when you’re ready. Then, you may test these modifications on the front end. When you attempt to pick or copy an image, for instance, you can encounter the following warning message. Even better, you can modify this message through your settings. To create your own warning, go to Copy Protection > Main Settings and scroll down to Selection disabled message.

Use the Disable Right Click for WordPress Plugin as a second option

You may disable activities like cut, copy, paste, read source, save picture, and inspect element by using the Disable Right Click for WordPress plugin. Also, it offers site-wide security, albeit this might not be optimal if you only want to secure particular web pages.

Installing and activating the tool in WordPress is the first step.

Next, select Disable Right Click for WP under Settings in your dashboard. After that, click Save Settings after selecting the Yes radio box for Display messages on Disable Events.

Now, a warning message advising front-end users that right click has been blocked will appear. When visitors try to choose, save, or copy your photographs, this message will show.

Third Approach: Remove Right Click Without Plugin

Plugins provide speedy fixes for folks without technical knowledge. Yet they might make your website load more slowly. Thankfully, you may also deactivate right click simply changing the code of your website.

Go to Appearance > Theme File Editor on your dashboard. Then, on the right side of your screen, scroll down and click the footer.php file: Look for the /body> tag by clicking on the file. Add the subsequent JavaScript code after that.

To save the changes, press Update File after that. Users won’t be able to right-click on the pages of your website after installing this code.

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Video credit: Kinsta

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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