Three teacher unions threaten strike over vehicle maintenance allowance

Since three labor unions have declared their intention to go on strike starting on June 21, tertiary institutions may face disruptions in their normal operations related to teaching and learning. This is in reaction to the fact that their members were left out of the most recent evaluation of the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance (VMA) and associated benefits.
In a statement released on Tuesday, June 11, the Teachers and Educational Workers Union of Trade Union Congress (TEWU-TUC), the Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG), and the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) contended that this decision goes against the concepts of natural justice and fairness.
The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) was awarded the VMA review, but the unions representing senior and junior staff felt they were unfairly left out.
According to the statement, the unions are requesting immediate inclusion in the new revisions, having long advocated for an upward assessment of the VMA. They have set a deadline of June 21, 2024, for the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to reply to their demands; if they don’t, they will take industrial action.
The three unions’ leaderships have pushed all of their members to refuse to back down in the face of injustice, thinking that equitable compensation and treatment for all workers will foster workplace unity and improve Ghana’s postsecondary institutions’ productivity and effectiveness.
“The Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) The Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG), The Teachers and Educational Workers Union of Trade Union Congress (TEWU- TUC) is giving notice to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission of Ghana that we will be compelled to advise ourselves if the Commission fails to rectify the disparity with regards to our members regarding the Vehicle Maintenance
Allowance (VMA) and other related allowances.”
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