
Teacher and a mother of 4 appeals for GH¢80k following urgent brain tumor surgery

A graduate teacher at the Apeguso Presbyterian Junior High School (JHS) in the Asuogyaman District of the Eastern Region, who is 44 years old and a mother of four (4) children, has pleaded with charitable people and organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and the general public to urgently help her afford the $80,000 brain tumour surgery at the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC) Limited in Accra.

When our news team visited the patient, Ms. Pearl Amenu, and her family over the weekend in Juapong in the North Tongu District of the Volta Region, she sobbed hysterically and said, “I don’t want to die, leaving these young children, including my only four-year-old girl, to their fate.”

Mr. Forster Ananga, Pearl’s spokesperson and husband, informed our press team that a few weeks prior, the wife had undergone an earlier procedure at the UGMC following a diagnosis of the aforementioned brain tumour.

Sadly, a few weeks following the procedure, Pearl began to experience terrible headaches and seizures, Mr. Ananga mourned.

According to Pearl’s husband, a teacher by profession, Pearl had to be admitted to the hospital each time one of these seizures took place up until recently, when the physicians suggested that she have a second surgery to treat the issue long-term.

Mr Ananga bemoaned the fact that, in addition to the usual admission fees and transportation costs, Pearl’s drugs are also highly pricey, putting a strain on the family’s finances.

“The family is indebted to many people because we have not only exhausted our many years of savings but also continue to borrow money to deal with my wife’s health condition’, Mr. Annaga sadly intimated.

Mr Ananga took advantage of the occasion to make an urgent plea to all Ghanaians as well as charitable people and organisations both inside and outside the nation to help them raise the required GH80,000 for such a procedure.

He claims that because of the procedure’s exorbitant price and the fact that much of their resources have already been lost, the family is unable to pay for it.

In addition to traumatising him as a spouse and his four (4) children, Mr. Ananga said that the wife’s health condition has also started to influence the kids’ academic careers.

He claims that Bernaida Sedinam Ananga, their last kid and daughter, who will turn four on Thursday, September 28, 2023, has always been inconsolable whenever she goes to school.

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The eldest child, Dennis Senam Ananga, 14, is a Junior High School (JHS) form three pupil. He told our newsteam in an interview that their only hope for now is in Christ, explaining that their mother’s situation has not only created instability in their educational and social lives but also in their religious activities.

‘Our only hope is God; our fervent prayer is God; our trust is in God’, Dennis intimated, hoping that their voices and plea would touch someone somewhere to save their mother and family from what he described as destruction.

A medical report issued on Ms. Pearl Amenu by the Neurosurgery Department of the UGMC and dated 12th June, 2023, explained that Pearl had an excision biopsy done on her about eight (8) weeks ago which, according to the report, was

compatible with features of Oligodendroglioma, adding that she had been advised to do de- bulking of the brain tumour for which she has been looking for funds to undergo the surgery.

The medical report, signed by one Dr. Djan- Baah for Dr. Adams, also disclosed that Pearl is currently on oral levetiracetam 1g twice daily, oral Dexamethasome, oral omeprazole 20mg daily and has been scheduled for regular Out Patients’ Department (OPD) review by the Neurosurgery team.

Mr. Foster Ananga disclosed that any further information on the wife or intended support to Pearl from any quarters could be done through his contact number, +233 244948713. The public could also contact Ms. Julian Timinka Ananga, sister to Mr. Forster Ananga, at the Births and Deaths Registry, Prampram Office on +233 242953875.

Using this occasion, Mr. Ananga urged all Ghanaians, particularly the clergy, to remember them in their prayers.

He claims that the other children—Edmund Delanyo Ananga, 7, a P3 student, and Oswin Seyram Ananga, 12, a JHS form 1 student—are also receiving psycho-social care to help them get through these tough times.

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Akukorku Media Consult


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