
MoMo vendor shot by armed robbers at Gomoa Akoti; abscond with GH₵30k 

Ebenezer Amoaquandoh, a 31-year-old Mobile Money vendor is battling for his life as a consequence of two armed men on a motorcycle assaulted and shot him at Gomoa Akotsi in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region.

The robbers also made away with an amount of GH¢30,000.

Citi News‘ Central Regional Correspondent, Calvis Tetteh narrated that the incident happened on Tuesday around 9:00 pm at the Gomoa Akotsi Lorry station moments after the vendor closed his shop and was about to set off to his house.

Amoaquandoh said the unknown attackers who were on a motorcycle first fired a warning shot and asked him to hand over the bag containing the money. 

Ebenezer said one of the armed men with a pump action gun shot his left thigh, while the other hit him in the head with sharp objects after he refused to hand over the money.

Ebenezer who is currently receiving treatment at the Winneba Trauma and Specialist hospital told Citi News that the robbers managed to take away the bag containing the said amount.

Meanwhile, stern investigations has begun by the Gomoa Ojobi District Police Command into the matter and urged residents to report suspected persons to the police so as to make progress reaction. You



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