Let’s promote reading to raise achievement – GES Director

To boost pupils’ academic performance, reading habits must be promoted, according to Madam Christiana Ayinezoya Azure, the Ghana Education Service’s (GES) district director for Talensi.
She noted that children’ enthusiasm for reading has declined recently and that this was a major factor in schools’ low performance, particularly in Northern Ghana. She asked for action to solve these issues.
“Reading is the door to everything, once you can read and understand, and has the interest in reading, you can do many other things that will improve upon performance and sustain them in school,” she added.
On the fringes of the district-level public primary schools reading festival, which was hosted by the GES at Gbeogo School for the Deaf and brought together ten circuits throughout the district, the district director made a call through the Ghana News Agency.
Students from the 10 circuits’ basic one, two, and three classes competed in the event.
It was a component of the reading project run by the Ministry of Education and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Ghana called Strengthening Accountability in Ghana’s Education System (SAGES), which aimed to strengthen systems.
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The topic of discussion was “Reading, a pathway to the world.”
According to the district director, reading helps pupils feel more confident and good about themselves and keeps them interested in learning, therefore it’s important for education stakeholders to come up with plans to get pupils and students excited about reading.
One of the main issues that local students face is reading, according to Ms. Jessica Seidu, a teacher at Winkogo Primary School. She asked that the reading festival continue in order to support children’s reading habits and raise their academic standing.
She made a plea to parents to help their kids read by purchasing books for them and encouraging them to read them in order to supplement what the kids were learning in school.
At the conclusion of the contest, Ms. Margaret Deezo of the Gbeogo circuit and Ms. Blessing Ayine of the Winkogo circuit won the Basic Two and Basic Three categories, respectively. Master Nbapuyele of the Pwalugu-Yinduri circuit won the Basic One category.
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