
Kingmakers of the Gonja Kingdom outdoor the New Yagbonwura

According to tradition and custom, Amonebafe Borenasa I has been proclaimed and outdoored as the next Yagbonwura by the Kingmakers of the Gonja Kingdom.

This occurred at a vibrant memorial service held on Monday at the Japka Palace in remembrance of the late Gonja Overlord Sulemana Tuntumba Bore Essa.

The Tulwe traditional area’s Paramount Chief is the new king.

After the seventh-day funeral ceremony for the late Yagbonwura, the announcement was delivered by His Royal Majesty Sonyowura Kanyiti I, the acting monarch of the Gonja Kingdom.

ALSO READ: Buipewura Jinapor II promises President Akufo Addo that the late Yagbonwura will be replaced smoothly

As long as peace and unity continued throughout the overlord’s funeral ceremony and afterward, the kingdom accepted this announcement with great excitement and rejoicing from all the chiefs, the youth, and the general public.

The Sonyowura Kanyiti I-led Kingmakers were praised by the Gonjaland Youth Association for protecting Gonja culture and tradition.

They view the choice of the new monarch as a sign of the might of the kingdom to maintain peace and advance Gonjaland.

The date of the enskinment will be revealed later in the meanwhile.

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