GES Director exhorts parents to assist kids with reading

The Kadjebi District Director of Education, Mr. Seth Seyram Deh, has urged parents to support their children in reading at home.
He claimed that by doing this, kids’ imaginations would be expanded and they would be more inclined to dream great dreams and act creatively, which may be advantageous for their futures in school, employment, and general life.
According to the GES Director, one contributing element to the nation’s declining educational standards is entrusting teachers solely with the academic work of schoolchildren.
At a project closure meeting for ActionAid Ghana’s project to combat modern slavery in Kadjebi, in the Oti Region, Mr. Deh made these remarks.
Reading aloud to young children, according to him, is an effective technique to help them develop their language skills since it introduces them to new vocabulary and linguistic conventions.
The District of Education noted that encouraging youngsters to read for enjoyment and interest would aid in the development of their reading abilities and provide them with opportunities to put those abilities to use.
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Reading, according to Mr. Deh, would enable kids to have a general understanding of the world, making it simpler for them to learn about different subjects once they arrived at school.
Among other benefits, he claimed that reading increased vocabulary, enhanced oral and written communication, lessened sadness, and reduced age-related cognitive decline.
The director of education urged parents to prioritise their children’s education by getting them the essentials for school, including a school uniform, shoes, books, pens, and pencils, as the state could not meet all of their demands.
The Department of Social Welfare’s Oti Regional Director, Mr. Isaac Komla Agbolosu, urged attendees to help safeguard children, especially girls, from s*xual assault because it went against the way God intended for them to live.
He declared that the Department detested any instances of gender-based violence against women that cause or are likely to cause them physical, s*xual, or psychological pain or suffering, including threats of such behaviour, coercion, or willful loss of their liberties, whether they take place in public or private.
Mr. Agbolosu recommended the participants to report to the right offices for timely and effective action rather than handling those matters at home.
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