
GES clarification on responsibility allowance for Personnel of the Ghana Education Service

Following many accusations that the Ghana Education Service (GES) was not giving its employees their fair share of responsibility allowance, the management of GES has explained the matter.

According to GES, there have been numerous misunderstandings on the subject of the responsibility allowance with the service, particularly staff of the Ghana Education Service (GES). GES made it clear that although allowances are provided to service employees, each one is subject to conditions and restrictions before being paid out.

Employees are expected to provide responsibility bonuses worth up to 10% of monthly base salary in total.

Allowances for GES Staff

  1. Responsibility allowance
  2. Transfer Grant
  3. Additional duty allowance
  4. Vehicle maintenance and kilometric allowance
  5. Allowances for directors
  6. Allowances for teachers in deprived/difficult areas
  7. Retention premium
  8. Continuous professional development allowance
  9. Acting allowance
  10. Night allowance

Other GES allowances

There are other allowances GES staff are entitled to including the above ten (10) listed. Some are:

  1. Risk allowance
  2. Rent allowance
  3. Protective clothing
  4. Salary advance
  5. Advance to purchase means of transport

The Ghana Education Service (GES) classifies the categories and ranks that are eligible for the responsibility allowance in relation to that issue.

Category of GES staff who qualify for responsibility allowance

Only qualified teachers who fall under one of the following ranks are eligible to receive the responsibility allowance, according to the GES’s classification.

  1. Deputy director
  2. Assistant director I
  3. Assistant director II
  4. Principal superintendent

ALSO READ: Update on Promotion, Upgrading, Arrears, and Allowance payment for March 2023 CAGD salary validation

Additionally, the boundaries between the teaching and non-teaching staffs exist. The border spends a lot of time discussing the “responsibilities” that the subsequent holders have, leading to their real cut-receiving.

Responsibilities which attract allowance among the teaching staff of GES

Responsibilities indicated by GES which attract allowance among teaching staff of the Ghana Education Service are as follows:

  1. School head (Basic)
  2. Headmaster/Headmistress (Second cycle)
  3. Assistant Headmaster/Mistress (Second cycle)
  4. Chaplains/Imams
  5. Form master/mistress
  6. Guidance and counselling coordinator
  7. Heads of department
  8. House master/mistress
  9. Unit heads (Headquarters)

Head of Department responsibility allowance

  1. Agricultural science
  2. Business
  3. Technical
  4. Home economics
  5. Visual arts
  6. General science
  7. General arts
  8. Languages
  9. Mathematics and ICT

Non-Teaching staff responsibility allowance

The other responsibility receivers allowance are the non-teaching staff. Non-teaching staff entitled to responsibility allowance are:

  1. Principal accountant (substantive)
  2. Principal internal auditor (substantive)
  3. Principal Administrative officer (who has duly been posted as head of administrative unit by the regional director of education to a school/office).

Staff are also advised to be aware that their individual duties are taken into account when determining their wage level under the single spine salary structure, per GES. As a result, the GES personnel payslips do not include a distinct salary line for the responsibility allowance.

The GES management believes that these clarifications will put to rest some of the claims made by certain GES staff members.

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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