Emerging issues in relation to the Ashanti GNAT Data plan

The platform is now not only limited to Teachers or GNAT members. It is now opened for Nurses, our colleagues NAGRAT members, GPRTU, and the Police are being enrolled.
The Regulator insisting on certain standards vis-à-vis fair market regulations made the service provider adjust its rates; thus affecting all users of on the platform.
Current Update
There has been an increment in the data plan. That is;
• 8gb – 32 cedis
• 16gb – 64 cedis
The new rates affects all users on the platform including the nurses, GPRTU, NAGRAT, Ghana Police and others. Toda, the cost of data on the commercial platforms has increased astronomically.
ALSO READ: How to Identify GESOPS Data Collection Agent
The service provider effected the increment before it came to our notice and subsequently has to meet all the parties including all those on the platform to arrive at these figures to forestall any other inconveniences.
It is because of these unstable adjustments that has brought the Vodafone package to a hold. It is GNAT’s desire to serve their members and create the best of opportunities to better their conditions, but sometimes some decisions are beyond leadership, more especially when the flood gate has been opened for others to benefit.
GNAT sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused. Together, we make GNAT formidable and the Teaching Profession better.
NOTE: The Vodafone package will be opened soon.
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