By April 30, nine labor unions including teacher unions will go on strike if…

Workers from nine labor unions that comprise “The FORUM” have vowed to retire by April 30, 2024.
The union leadership expresses disappointment in the government for its prolonged failure to release member pension arrears to their fund managers, a situation that has persisted for over a decade.
The Forum’s chairman, Isaac Bampoe Addo, had an exclusive interview in Accra with Daniel Opoku, 3news’ labor correspondent.
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“The Forum met and raised issues that we wanted to be addressed by Minister of Pensions. We wanted among others, transfer of past credit by SSNIT to the public sector pension scheme…The Minister has not acknowledged our letter so we shall proceed with our strike. So, from here, we are going to notify the National Labour Commission about our strike,” he said.
The Civil and Local Government Staff Association (CLOGSAG), Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Ghana Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA), Ghana Medical Association (GMA), Government Hospitals Pharmacists Association (GHOSPA), Judicial Service Staff Association of Ghana (JUSAG), and Ghana Association of Certified Anesthesis are among the public sector associations that are a part of the Forum.
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