
3 tricks to make it easier to find information on Google

People worldwide search for a whole lot of things on google daily; business people, students, and researchers for their work. This editorial seeks to guide people on how to use simple tricks on google search. There are dozens of combinations and tricks to google more effectively. But these 3 are some of the most important, and they’re easy to remember;

1.To exclude a word from search results, put a “-” in front of it. For example, “-black cats.” So Google will exclude all black felines from the results. 

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2.If you can’t find a specific word for a query, just add an “*” sign instead. For example, for the query “best * on programming” Google will give you links to books, courses, movies and articles on programming. 

3.To find a file type (jpg, pdf, txt), type “filetype:” in the search box and after a colon, type the file type and keywords. This is usually how you search for books. For example, the query “filetype:pdf The Old Man and the Sea” will instantly find the iconic novel in .pdf format.

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