
Wesley Senior High School-Konongo Embarks on Cabbage Cultivation Initiative to Support School Feeding

In an inspiring move to enhance sustainability and promote self-sufficiency, the headmistress of Wesley Senior High School in Konongo, along with her students, has embarked on cultivating cabbage on a subsistence level. This innovative initiative is geared toward supporting the school’s feeding program and easing the financial strain associated with providing meals for students.

The project, which focuses on vegetable crop production, was introduced as part of a broader initiative by the KOSMOS Innovative Center in collaboration with Blueskies and Mastercard. The program aims to nurture students in various second-cycle institutions across the country, providing them with practical knowledge in agriculture, specifically in the cultivation of vegetables such as cabbage.

The headmistress lauded the project as a significant step toward equipping students with hands-on agricultural skills that can be beneficial both for the school and the wider community. By engaging in subsistence farming, the students are not only learning valuable techniques in vegetable cultivation but are also contributing to the school’s feeding program. This reduces dependence on external food supplies, creating a sustainable model that other schools can emulate.

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The partnership between KOSMOS Innovative Center, Blueskies, and Mastercard demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to integrating practical agriculture into school curricula. The project is set to instill a sense of responsibility in students, encouraging them to become agents of change in their communities. Additionally, it offers students an opportunity to acquire skills that could lead to entrepreneurship in agribusiness, a sector that is becoming increasingly vital to Ghana’s economy.

The cabbage cultivation initiative at Wesley Senior High School-Konongo is expected to serve as a model for other educational institutions across the country, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and agricultural literacy in schools.

As more schools adopt similar initiatives, it is hoped that such efforts will go a long way in addressing food security challenges while empowering the next generation with essential life skills.

Watch the video below:

video credit: sika official

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