Update on Promotion, Upgrading, Arrears, and Allowance payment for March 2023 CAGD salary validation

The salary validation portal for March 2023 has been formally launched by the Controller and Accountant-Department General’s (CAGD).
Employees from various institutions and management units had access to the portal for validation.
Promotion of GES Staff
Teachers’ long-awaited wish has finally come true. In particular, GES has promoted lower-ranking teachers to higher ranks within the Service.
Furthermore, GES non-teaching staff members have also been dealt with.
Upgrading by Ghana Education Service
The Service members who have completed the application process for an upgrade and have extra certifications (Bachelor’s degrees) in hand have also had their requests fulfilled.
Only eligible Teachers who held the posts of Senior Superintendent II and I and whose primary professional degree was a Basic Education Diploma are subject to the aforementioned promotion.
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The majority of staff members who submitted their information for the promotion to the position of Principal Superintendent (PS) in March 2023, however, have had their requests approved.
GES Staff members Arrears
The Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) did not adequately inform the majority of GES Staff members who received an upgrade in January 2023 and the following months about their expectation that the government would pay them some arrears.
Subsequently, in a statement by CAGD, they made it quite plain that while some of them will receive arrears payments in February 2023, majority of them won’t.
In light of the aforementioned, all parties who will or have been impacted are kindly asked to anticipate some payment of arrears this month; March.
GES Allowance Payment
For March 2023, the Responsibility Allowances Owed Teachers have been paid. Teachers who have been given additional duties or obligations within the Service are given the aforementioned responsibility allowances. Any teacher who is given additional duties is compensated fairly for their efforts.
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