
SHS student blames teacher after getting 12% in maths exam [video]

A Senior High School (SHS) student at Nsutaman Catholic was furious after he learned the results of his Core Mathematics subject in his mock exam. The student expressed shock that he failed the paper in the viral video seen by 

He acknowledged that despite his poor performance in the objective portion, he had high expectations for his performance in the subjective portion given that he had correctly answered all the relevant questions.

ALSO READ: GES releases official date for School Selection and Placement Sensitization

The student vowed to take further action against the teacher and would not allow the situation go unresolved. 

He would report the situation to higher authorities.

The video had more than 3000 likes and 100 comments at the time the report was being written.

Viewers of the video on the internet criticised the student for having the audacity to blame his teacher for his exam failure. Others advised him to focus his energy on his academic work. 

Watch the video below;

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