
Policeman confesses caressing defiled girl’s breast in Akatsi North

A policeman, G/CPL Emmanuel Duah, 46, entered a not guilty plea to the allegation of defilement when he appeared before a Ho Circuit Court on February 1, 2023.

The defendant is on trial for allegedly defiling a class five student, now 14 years old, on September 29, 2021, while on duty at Ave-Xevi in the Akatsi North District.

The accused, a police officer known as Bob Marley, asked the victim, who had gone to retrieve rainwater from a silver basin outside the police station, to go buy him water. The victim denied the request and insisted on going to call her mom before she could carry out the accused’s request.

The accused then grabbed the basin away from her, violently seized her hands, covered her mouth, carried her into one of the police station’s rooms, and forcibly had sex with her, the court was informed.

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The prosecution also informed the court that G/CPL Emmanuel Duah admitted to holding the victim’s hand and touching her breast in a caution statement he gave to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Tongu Division in Sogakope after his initial arrest, but he denied having sex with her.

The weighing card and a medical report of the tests performed on the victim the night of the incident have since been added to the case docket by the prosecution.

The accused was granted a GHS50,000 bail with two sureties, one of whom had to be in the public sector, after the court heard his plea. On February 22, 2023, he is anticipated to make another court appearance.

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