
OPASS WASSCE Candidate stripped half-nåkęd at exam hall [video]

On Thursday, September 7, 2023, at the Ofori Panin Senior High School examination center, a distressing occurrence involving a candidate took place during the West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination(WASSCE).

The student’s dignity was taken away because his clothing did not follow the guidelines for the examination’s dress code.

The WASSCE candidate arrived at the examination center wearing a white shirt and brown khaki shorts, which was against the established dress code.

The student’s choice of clothing infuriated a WAEC (West African Examinations Council) official, who took extraordinary measures by removing the student’s boxer shorts in order to allow him to sit for the examination.

This event is only one in a string of alarming instances of intimidation and maltreatment that candidates at this specific examination facility have apparently endured.

Candidates sometimes described their experiences, revealing tales of unjustified harassment and intimidation by particular WAEC employees who were determined to fill them with dread for no apparent reason.

ALSO READ: Expected date for BECE 2023 results announced

One George Agyekum, a depot officer and Senior Assistant Registrar at WAEC, was at the focus of these allegations, according to anonymous candidates who had experienced this treatment.

Agyekum was charged with intentionally intimidating, terrorising, and harassing candidates in an effort to harm their psychological well-being.

George Agyekum is accused of physically assaulting a candidate while accusing them of trying to cheat during the examination in one especially upsetting event.

Agyekum declined to respond to the reporters’ requests for comment when they contacted him, instead directing them to speak with his superiors in Accra.

Parents of the students who were taking the exam voiced their extreme displeasure with these officials’ actions and urged the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to act quickly and resolve the issue.

They demanded guarantees that similar instances wouldn’t happen again and that students could take tests without fear, intimidation, or embarrassment.

Watch the video below;

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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