Non-Teaching Staff Application for GES Promotion Interview

On December 19, 2022, the Director-General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) issued a statement inviting applications for promotion interviews for non-teaching staff.The following grades are up for promotion, and this call is to receive applications from suitably qualified serving officers:
1. ACCOUNTING CLASS: Accountant, Assistant Accountant, Senior Accountant, and Accountant
2. INTERNAL AUDIT CLASS: Assistant Internal Auditor, Senior Internal Auditor, and Internal Auditor
3. CATERING CLASS: Senior Domestic Bursar Senior Matron Assistant Domestic Bursar Domestic Bursar
Senior administrative officers, administrative officers, and assistant administrative officers make up the administrative class.
Senior Technical Officer, Assistant Technical Officer, Senior Technical Officer; 5. TECHNICAL CLASS
6. LIBRARY CLASS Senior: Assistant, and Librarian Librarian
7. LABORATORY CLASS: Senior Lab Assistant, Assistant Lab Technician, and Laboratory Technician
8. SUPPLIES CLASS: Principal Storekeeper and Supply Officer
9. SECRETARIAL CLASS: Senior Private Secretary Private Secretary Grade I Stenographer Secretary
10. CLASS OF DRIVER: Chief Driver Principal Driver
11. SECURITY CLASS: Principal Security Officer and Deputy Chief Security Officer
Qualified candidates should;
1. Complete two (2) copies of the application forms, which may be obtained at the Metro/Municipal/District Education Offices, in order to apply.
2. Each application form must be accompanied by a recent passport-sized photo.
3. The Appropriate Staff Appraisal Performance Form (in quadruplet), which must be completed by the applicant’s head of institution (Second Cycle), MMD Directors, or Regional Director, must be submitted with the applicant’s set of forms. Additionally, certified copies of certificates and copies of all past promotion letters, particularly the most recent promotion letter, must be included.
4. As late as 10:00 AM on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, the completed application forms must be sent through the MMD offices to the regional education office.
We won’t accept late submissions.