
New SHS Curriculum: NaCCA invite the public and stakeholders to a conversation about Ghana’s educational system

Discussions about Ghana’s educational system, particularly the new SHS curriculum, are open to the public and stakeholders, according to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)

A new curriculum for Senior High School (SHS), Senior High Technical School (SHTS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is being developed, according to a notice released by NaCCA.

NaCCA claims that the curriculum is the outcome of in-depth study and consultation, proving our dedication to offering top-notch instruction. 

In order to examine this important component of Ghana’s educational system, the Council is inviting important stakeholders and the general public to participate in regional town hall meetings through its public notice.

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Below is the phase I schedule for the Regional town Hall meetings.

1. REGION: Ashanti

Date: 7th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Kumasi

2. REGION: Upper West

Date: 11th June 2024

Venue: NAGRAT Conference, Wa

3. REGION: Upper East

Date: 11th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Bolgatanga

4. REGION: Northern

Date: 14th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Tamale

5. REGION: Bono

Date: 20th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Sunyani

6. REGION: Central

Date: 24th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Cape Coast

7. REGION: Western

Date: 24th June 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Takoradi

8. REGION: Greater Accra

Date: 27th June 2024

Venue: Teachers Hall, Accra

9. REGION: Eastern, Koforidua

Date: 8th July 2024

Venue: GNAT Hall, Koforidua

10. REGION: Volta, Но

Date: 10th July 2024

Venue: NAGRAT Conference Hall, Ho

Note: As per the phase I timetable, every meeting in every mentioned Region shall start at precisely 9:30 am on the designated days.

Please be advised that the NaCCA SHS curriculum and Ghana education system discussions will soon be released for publishing in the remaining Regions (phase II). At that time, you will be able to find out the precise location of the scheduled Regional town hall meetings.

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