
NDC NATIONAL DELEGATES CONGRESS: National Congress Central Planning Committee cautions candidates against camping delegates 

The National Congress Central Planning Committee has released a statement dated December 9, 2022, signed by Honorable Alex Segbefia; Chairman of the Congress Planning Committee, informing candidates to desist from camping delegates.

The National Congress Planning Committee of the National Democratic Congress has said, it has taken notice of the unfortunate practice of camping delegates by some candidates in the Youth and Women conferences scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at the University of Cape Coast (UCC).

The Committee wishes to inform all candidates, delegates and stakeholders in the impending elections, that detailed prior accommodation arrangements have already been made for all delegates attending the conference tomorrow. As such, it is outlawed for any candidate to camp or accommodate any delegate outside the approved and sanctioned accommodation facilities for delegates.

The Committee wish to caution that the party will not be responsible for the safety and security of any delegate who accepts such overtures from candidates to be housed in facilities that are unsanctioned by the party. 

All candidates, delegates and stakeholders are to strictly adhere to this directive in order to enhance security of all persons and ensure the early start of proceedings tomorrow.

Any regional Youth Organizer or regional Women Organizer who allows delegates under their supervision to be camped by any person in violation to this directive shall be sanctioned by the party.

See statement below;

Image credit: NDC



Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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