I don’t have to be a counsellor or an expert in relationships before I can give tips on how to make your relationship better, but I think I know a thing or two that people do wrong in relationships. Individuals go into relationships to sincerely find joy and happiness from that special someone, but most times, it eventually ends up with wounds and dents in the heart. Many relationships end even before it starts without the couple knowing. Check below some few useful tips that can help people strengthen their relationship dead heat.
I’ve seen individuals contend a lot on who should show extra love to make a relationship work and last. The ladies would easily say the guys should love a bit more and vice versa. Some even equate it with percentage; maybe the guys should love 80% and the ladies 50 or 60%, so that the guy would know the worth of his lady or woman. You want to know my take on that right? It is sheer twaddle. That’s an example of a relationship that has ended even before the beginning of it. What’s wrong with both people unaffectedly loving each other with their all? Well, different strokes they say for different folks. But I assure you, if you follow the former example rather than the latter, you are reaching for a dead-end.
Another thing I’ve noticed is how predictable couples are; what the hell happened to naturalness? To me, the more unpredictable, the better. Relationships become complete boring when spouses are predictable. Change routine every now and then, change pet names, always keep the other spouse wondering about what you are going to do next. It makes the relationship sweeter and more titillating than a video game on play station. Do something rare or infrequent.
The next thing I’m talking about is obviously friends. Friends can make and unmake a beautiful relationship. Don’t get this wrong, friends are good; depends on whom you call friend though, but when it comes to relationship, some are actually coddlers even without them knowing. Their advice can do a lot of harm to your relationship. Be careful of that friend you take counsel from.
Contrary to popular credence, never call your man hundred times a day. He may love you sincerely but those calls could be irritating at times. Don’t be surprised if he comes back home one day with a smashed phone screen; Hehe, it’s all you sweetie. Calling your man countless times could be a bit irksome.
Giving each other gifts is one of the best tips anybody can give you. And this is where many couples have a fault. You don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day, birthdays or anniversaries. Just give a gift to appreciate your partner. Performing such an activity wouldn’t kill you. Plan that strange surprise date like movie date, going shopping, vacation etc. I’m a firm believer of YOLO. And seriously, you only live once, so why don’t you just put a smile on your partner’s face rather than the usual quarrels and arguments; sigh. The world is already a sad place, why make it shoddier?
Always dress cool. Don’t be a ‘I don’t care’ kind of woman or ‘an old school teacher’ kind of man and expect your partner to think you’re the hottest being on earth, that is self-treachery. Always try to be fashionable, and don’t get me wrong; fashionable doesn’t mean expose your body to the world. It isn’t a bad thing if the opposite sex finds you attractive as far as you don’t make that count as an advantage. Always make your partner find you irresistible, winks eye.
This is the point where ladies do ask a lot of why’s, and I’m way too clueless of a tip to give. Why do guys cheat? That’s question for the gods and our progenitors, ha-ha. That question is as old as the earth itself. A man can love his lady so much and still cheat with ease. Anyways just visit your nearest spiritualist for remedy, I’m kidding ha-ha. Well, I feel only a woman can know what to do to keep her man. You ought to know your man well like simple 1+2. You ought to know his strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes and every little thing about him and know how to act accordingly. If that doesn’t work, then meet a spiritualist as earlier suggested; yet another joke ha-ha.
I hope you find this expedient. Today, this is where I drop the pen for this article. You can also give useful tips in the comment box below. You never can tell; you just might be helping someone’s relationship. Let’s make the world a happier place. Check below and subscribe to this blog, I’m out.