
Goil warns public about fake fuel subsidy promotion

A link purported to promote fuel subsidy from Goil has been circulating on social media recently. Goil has warned the general public to disregard such a link.

The link encourages unsuspecting customers to join a fake trivia which would award winners a sum of Gh 500 and other freebies. The designers of this scam go the extra length to comment with fake accounts that they received the money and the freebies. This scandalous scheme may lure unsuspecting customers to fall prey to the scam.

Corporate affairs under the management of Ghana Oil Company have issued an official statement dated July 20, 2022 informing the general public about the fraudulent fuel subsidy promotion which comes with a link circulating on social media platforms.

The statement also encouraged all customers to visit the official website at for more information.

The full statement is shown below:



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