Ghanaian teachers will be recruited by the UK beginning in February 2023

Teachers having teaching credentials from the nine (9) nations listed below will also be entitled to apply to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) as of February 1, 2023: Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine, and Zimbabwe.
In many English schools, having qualified teacher status (QTS) is required by law, and it is regarded as desirable for teachers in the majority of English schools. Get into Teaching outlines the paths that UK citizens can take to earn their QTS. The QTS is given out by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).
They were chosen for their initial launch because, according to research, teachers from these nations are already well-represented and valued members of the teaching workforce in the United Kingdom (UK), there is a well-established interest in these nations to teach in England, and they have close educational ties to the nation in question.
Qualifications From February 1, 2023, non-UK teachers will need to be qualified for QTS.
Apply for QTS in England will grant QTS to foreign teachers after evaluating their credentials and work history against predetermined standards. It will be accessible to competent teachers from any nation once it is fully operational.
Starting on February 1, 2023, non-UK teachers who wish to receive QTS must:
1. Be in possession of a UK ENIC-verified undergraduate degree that meets the same academic requirements as a UK bachelor’s degree.
2. Have successfully completed teacher preparation that is at least as long as an English beginning teacher training course and fulfills the standard of a level 6 qualification.
3. Have successfully finished a course with a practical and pedagogically oriented curriculum.
4. Be certified to instruct students between the ages of 5 and 16.
5. After receiving your certification, you must have at least one school year—a minimum of nine months, including summer and winter breaks but excluding time off for any other reason—of professional experience working as a teacher.
6. Be exempt from any prohibitions or limitations on your practice, and possess the professional standing required to be a teacher in the nation where you obtained your qualification.
Additionally, candidates must demonstrate a specific level of English language competency. You must therefore be able to demonstrate one of the following:
1. Been born in, currently held citizenship in, and/or completed undergraduate studies in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, or another exempt country.
2. Been taught in English at undergraduate level (or higher)-you will need to submit evidence that English has been the medium of instruction (MOI) of your degree
3. Passed a secure English language test (SELT) at the CEFR B2 level and demonstrated English proficiency at the CEFR B2 level.
A B2 level is equivalent to the following test scores from the certified English language test providers:
I. SELT Consortium for IELTS 5.5
II. Language certification -33/50
III. Pearson – 59
IV. Pass for Trinity College London
V. PSI Services (UK) Ltd-Pass
knowledge of mathematics and science
Future QTS applications from foreign teachers will require documentation of the following:
• A mathematics degree that is equivalent to a grade 4 GCSE.
• A science degree that is equivalent to a grade 4 GCSE (for teaching primary school)
Research has shown, however, that it can be challenging for applicants to present this proof. Because of this, we won’t introduce these criteria until the end of 2023. We can then determine how to assist applicants in doing so.
Currently under private beta testing and iteration, Apply for QTS in England. The live service will provide users with instructions on how to substantiate their credentials and experience.