GES training session in preparation for GES PLC App launch

In preparation for the launch of the GES PLC App, the management of the Ghana Education Service (GES) plans to host a training workshop.
The Deputy Director-General for AG, Dr. Kwabena Bempah Tandoh, wrote in a letter. In order to facilitate the deployment of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in schools, the Director-General stated that the management of GES has created a comprehensive and integrated application system called as GES PLC App.
The management of the Service, with technical assistance from the Ghana Library Authority, allegedly developed a strong and integrated application system known as GES PLC App to support the implementation of the PLCs in schools, and it is about to be rolled out nationally as part of measures to improve the effective implementation of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in elementary schools.
The GES PLC App will be implemented in three stages, the first of which will begin in January 2023 with the basic schools in the Upper West, Northern, Oti, Bono East, Greater Accra, and Western Regions.
The GES PLC App will be educated on by all District Training Officers, ICT Coordinators, Deputy Directors – Supervision, School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs), and Basic School’s Coordinators to support their basic schools for successful PLC implementation in schools. The timetable for the virtual GES PLC App training program is stated in the letter below. Therefore, management of GES requests that the concerned regional directors of education formally notify their respective district directors, municipal directors, and metro directors to make arrangements for the officers indicated above to fully engage in the virtual training.
Be aware that the meeting’s link will be provided at the appropriate time.
See letter below;