
Former GES Employee, Teacher Kwadwo, Reportedly Mad

Reports circulating indicate that Teacher Kwadwo, a former employee of the Ghana Education Service (GES) and a social media sensation, has reportedly suffered a mental breakdown.

His real name is Micheal Owusu Afriyie. The once-vibrant teacher and comedian is said to have exhibited abnormal behavior in recent times, raising concerns among his loved ones and the general public.

Teacher Kwadwo, known for his hilarious interview videos on social media, was not just an entertainer but also a professionally trained teacher. He worked at the Akrofuom D/A Primary School, where he taught with the same energy and creativity he brought to his online content.

His rise to fame came not only from his comic genius but also from his brave decision to challenge the very system he was a part of—the Ghana Education Service.

In a nation where citizens are often raised to remain silent, Teacher Kwadwo stood out as an agitator for change. He boldly criticized the inefficiencies of the education system, shining a spotlight on the harsh realities faced by both teachers and students, particularly in rural areas. His critiques resonated with many Ghanaians who shared his frustrations.

One of the most pressing issues he raised was the lack of basic resources in schools. While the world was advancing with digital education, many Ghanaian schools still struggled with a lack of textbooks, poorly resourced computer labs, and inadequate infrastructure.

Teacher Kwadwo shared heartbreaking stories of students sitting on floors to learn and writing ICT examinations without ever having seen a computer.

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Despite the validity of his concerns, his outspokenness put him at odds with the GES. His battle with the system ultimately led to his dismissal, a move that many saw as a blow to free speech and advocacy for better education. Nevertheless, his courageous stand for quality education left an indelible mark on the public consciousness.

While reports of his mental health issues are troubling, it is important to remember the immense pressure that comes with challenging the status quo in a system that is slow to change.

Teacher Kwadwo’s journey from a joyful entertainer to a symbol of defiance has not been easy, and his current struggles remind us of the toll that advocacy can take on individuals.

As Ghanaians express concern over his reported condition, many continue to reflect on the issues he raised and hope for the positive transformation of the education sector.

Teacher Kwadwo’s legacy, both as a teacher and a social commentator, will not be forgotten. His call for better schools and improved conditions for students and teachers remains as relevant today as when he first spoke out.

It deeply saddens us to hear that such a hardworking and dedicated young man may be experiencing a mental breakdown. Our team is closely following this story and will keep our readers updated as more information becomes available. We sincerely hope that these reports prove to be untrue. Our thoughts and prayers are with him during this difficult time.

video credit: Bio Foster

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