
Following Graphic’s exposé, the footbridge at Kumasi Race Course has been repaired

Less than three months after the Daily Graphic published an article on it, the city authorities in Kumasi have repaired the unsafe footbridge at the Race Course Market.

About October 20, 2022, the national daily ran an article on the unstable bridge that highlighted the problems it produced for merchants and the general public.

Given the bridge’s crucial location for users, the Daily Graphic story alerted the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) to the urgency of taking immediate action.

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Most vendors, customers, and the few others who had to risk their lives to utilise the bridge are now glad that it has been repaired. Previously, these people had to enter the market along a long, twisting stretch.

Last Thursday, when the news crew returned, buyers and shoppers were occupied with their regular business.

The recipients, who were mainly traders, praised the KMA for meeting their immediate need and thanked the Daily Graphic for caring about the wellbeing of its readers.

The Daily Graphic news team first visited the market on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. It was clear from the broken rails and rusted metals with gaping holes that people had to walk on that the metal bridge had become extremely weak, bordering on becoming a death trap.

The bridge was built using metals in accordance with its design, but over time parts of the metals rusted, forcing the city officials to make do with wooden slabs.

Every time the facility was utilised, one could readily see through the rusty metal into the drainage since it was rapidly decaying.

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The side metal railings, which were designed to prevent people from falling into the roughly 20-foot ditch, appeared flimsy, and no one dared to touch them or rely on them to traverse the path.



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