
Current update on the 2024 salary negotiations [Details Here]

Reconsiderations will be made to the 2024 salary negotiations according sources. The majority of public sector employees are enthusiastically awaiting the start of remuneration discussions for 2024 because rising taxes, inflation, and living expenses are making salaries unviable.

After the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War, Ghana had a high cost of inflation in 2022, during which incomes were barely livable. Public service personnel could no longer withstand the heat, which left many schmoozing.

In order to help its members, organized labor sought a Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) from the Ministry of Finance. Unfortunately, the percentage they requested was not granted, but better a lean jade than an empty halter.

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Current update on the 2024 salary negotiations

The pressure on the COLA soon became too much for it to handle. This time, organized labor was at the round table to talk about salary increases for the coming year. Knowing the current inflation rate and tax rates, they similarly tightened their belts to compete with the government, and in the end, a 30% increase was agreed upon.

Since all utility bills have increased this year, some wage earners have been calling for an increment in the Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA).

GNAT CTE/FCE NKABOM update many significant topics from which the minimum wage was not excluded, were presented during an in-service training at the Ola College of Education.

The new minimum wage for January 2024 will shortly be the subject of negotiations. It is well understood that once the annual minimum wage is released, salary negotiations are permitted.

Members must have a great deal of confidence in their leaders even in the face of rising utility rates and the high expense of living. Organized labor is working assiduously to have a better wage increment for wage earners nationwide.

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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