
CAGD releases list of teachers who have not link their Ghana card with SSNIT

The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has released list of teachers across the country who have not yet merged their Ghana card with SSNIT.

In January this year, CAGD announced that all government employees are to merge their Ghana card with their SSNIT to avoid not being able to access their salaries in the coming months.

Update and Confirmation of Authenticity of “Merger” Status

Government employees understood the information as merging ones Ghana card on CAGD’s portal. Clarification has been made and those whose names appear on the list are therefore required to do the needful.

  1. The source of the information is SSNIT not CAGD.
  2. It was a front page feature of Daily Graphic on January 11, 2024.
  3. It was confirmed in Daily Graphic as a requirement for all workers on GOG Payroll.
  4. All teaching & non-teaching staff are hereby encouraged to comply accordingly.

ALSO READ: Payment of February 2024 salary hinges on Ghana Card

Teachers were asked to merge more than five years ago, and many of them agreed.
If someone has not followed the instructions, they should dial *711*9# and select Option 2 (NOT OPTION 1).
When you receive a ‘SUCCESSFUL‘ SMS or email, your information has been merged.

Dial *711*9# Option 1 (For First Timers) for “old staff” who didn’t comply back then (an extremely rare case since everyone did it), and especially for freshly recruited workers from roughly 2018/19 to date.

Lastly, to enter Ghana card, all characters are 15 and must be added, that is, GHA plus the dash and all numerical data (GHA-×××××××××××)

Download the list below to find out if your name has been captured.

Ashanti Region

Ahafo Region

Greater Accra Region

Volta Region

Northern Region

Upper East Region

Western North Region

Eastern Region

Bono Region

Central Region

Western Region

Bono East Region

Savannah Region

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Teacher, Blogger, Comic writer, riveting stories concerning the Ghanaian citizenry and the world at large.

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