
At Tepa-Mabang, a man has been shot dead by a friend for having an affair with his wife

In the Ahafo Ano North Municipality of the Ashanti Region, in Tepa-Mabang, a farmer, 43, is accused of fatally shooting his companion.

The shooting happened as a result of Akwasi Noshi’s suspicions that Buffalo, also known as Yaw Saahene, 35, was having an affair with his wife Abena.

According to Abena, who told JoyNews about the incident, her husband came home that evening in a rage and began arguing with her over her supposed infidelity with his friend Saahene.

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Abena claimed that after a contentious disagreement in front of all of their kids, her husband [Akwasi Noshi] sent for Buffalo to speak with him.

However, Abena continued, the suspect shot the dead without seeking further explanation when he arrived at their home.

She lamented, “He sent for the dead, and when he came, Buffalo asked, ‘What’s the matter?’ before I realised Noshi shot him in the lower belly.

Although the kids were pleading with him, she cried, “After he shot Buffalo, he turned to the children and ordered them to stay quiet or he will shoot them.”

She continued by saying that when the kids begged their father, one of them gave her the go-ahead to leave the house.

Despite her lack of clothing, she claimed that her husband pursued her until she reached the homes, where she could summon help.

However, the suspect’s spouse declined to acknowledge whether or not she had a romantic involvement with the deceased.

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The deceased’s body has since been placed in the mortuary of the Tepa Government Hospital.

Right now, the suspect is evading capture.

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Video credit: Joy News



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