
4 Reasons to Date a Left-Handed Person

In a world where being right-handed is the norm, being left-handed can feel unusual. Almost everything today is made with right-handed people in mind, often overlooking the left-handed minority. Yet, lefties continue to thrive.

After dating many right-handed people, isn’t it time to explore the other side? Here are four reasons why you should consider dating someone left-handed.

  1. Left-Handed People Are Natural Leaders

If you’re looking for a partner with leadership qualities, it’s time to think left. Four out of the last seven U.S. Presidents have been left-handed, indicating a strong connection between lefties and leadership. Even iconic figures like Marilyn Monroe, the original s*x symbol, and football legend Lionel Messi are left-handed. So, isn’t it time to consider going left?

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  1. Lefties Are Survivors

If you want someone who can endure challenges and stay strong, left-handed people are a great choice. Despite living in a world designed for right-handed individuals, lefties continue to thrive and stand out. A left-handed partner will always stick by your side.

  1. Left-Handed People Are Geniuses

If you’re seeking a brilliant mind in your partner, then look no further than lefties. Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, two of history’s greatest thinkers, were left-handed. Football genius Lionel Messi is also a lefty. So, maybe it’s time to go left!

  1. They’re Better in Bed

This might surprise you, but it’s true! A survey revealed that 86% of left-handed people reported being satisfied with their s*x life, compared to only 15% of right-handers. While the exact reason is unclear, other studies suggest that lefties may have a better sense of rhythm.

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