Ten Technical Mistakes To Avoid As A Modern-Day Teacher

Kingcyrusonline.com has listed some ten (10) important mistakes to avoid as a modern-day teacher. In the ever-evolving educational landscape, teachers must act professionally to avoid committing mistakes in the classroom.
Below are ten technical mistakes that modern-day teachers should avoid:
1. Do not send a student away from your class during teaching and learning as a result of bad behavior. This is because, you cannot account for what the child may be doing outside and this can count against you if an accident occurs.
2. Do not touch a learner seductively. The learner might claim he or she was abuse either sexually/physically. You may not be able to refute it.
3. Do not give assignments you don’t have time to mark. Unmarked assignments or homework indicate that you are incompetent/unprofessional.
4. Do not use your school internet to send confidential or private emails. They can be tracked by the school management.
5.Do not just teach within the period given to you, especially when you are preparing learners for external examination. Do create more contact time for your students.
ALSO READ: To succeed as a teacher, one must acquire the following 20 teaching skills
6. Do not stay with a student alone in a class, laboratory, office etc. Child’s protection policy forbids it. Try and avoid “one corner” teaching.
7. Do not ask a child to kneel down for too long a time. He or she might have a health challenges you may not aware of.
8.Do not conspire against your school head (Head of Department, academic head etc). What goes around, comes around.
9.Do not be difficult instructor, and avoid treating your learners with belligerence. Pocket your personal challenges and always be full of compassion.
10. Do not treat students with predisposition. There should be nothing like favorite students; every child matters.
With these guidelines taken into action, we hope the life of the modern teacher will be a glorious one. Share to change someone, and have a good day.
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