
Black and white ID cards will not be accepted by CAGD for loan processing

Black and white photocopies of National ID cards will no longer be accepted by the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) for the purpose of processing loans. This choice has been made to prevent the loan approval procedure from being slowed down by incomplete documentation.

The CAGD has noted that processing loans has been hampered and delayed needlessly due to the use of black and white photocopies of National ID cards. As a result, the CAGD has stated that for the purpose of processing loans, it will only accept coloured copies of National ID Cards.

This policy change has been communicated to all impacted members, and they have been asked to resubmit coloured copies of their National ID Cards via the link that has been sent to them. It is crucial that all impacted members abide by this requirement because it will hasten the acceptance of their loans.

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For all transactions involving the Fund, members are urged by the CAGD to include coloured photocopies of their National ID cards. This will contribute to the prompt and effective processing of loan applications. The Fund appreciates all members’ participation in this matter.

In conclusion, the CAGD is dedicated to offering all of its members effective and efficient services. This commitment includes the choice to not accept black and white photocopies of National ID cards for loan processing. We kindly request that all impacted members abide by this new regulation and promptly resubmit coloured copies of their National ID Cards. This will ensure that loan applications are completed quickly and that members may quickly access the money they require.

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