Life Style

Research has shown that the fertility of men decreases when they watch too much television

According to researchers at Copenhagen University, a man’s fertility may suffer depending on how much time he spends watching TV each day.

A man’s sperm count can decrease by a third if he watches more than five hours of TV every day, according to a study that was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

After examining 1,200 healthy young men to see whether a couch potato lifestyle can damage a man’s fertility, the researchers came to this result.

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Researchers discovered that men who binge-watched television had sperm counts that were on average 37 million per milliliter of fluid, compared to 52 million per millilitre in men who rarely watched television.

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that computer use did not have the same impact on a man’s fertility as television viewing did. The researchers hypothesized that this might be because men who watch too much TV are less likely to engage in regular exercise or eat well, two important behaviors for preserving fertility.

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